Since its founding in 1991, AARON's express purpose has developed a fidelity beyond its own abilities to measure such a purpose, failing all traditional, visionary, and traditionally visionary approaches, despite, actively:
internally circulated bottom up, punching-inward exegeses of documented, verifiable, repeatable experiments in knowing-for-certain
rote glorification of uselessness as well as decorative functionality
consistency of practice, contented inability to get out of bed
sometimes vacationing infatuation with fine craft, though maintained faith in legerdemain
open, failed, itinerant affairs with amateurism, canon
regular negotiation with diet
passing beliefs in medium
renunciation of but gestures about an eternally delayed cohesion.
Through continued labor exchange and wage-based structured employment arrangements (including menial, trade, and intellectual) we have modestly self-funded and continue to supply personally sanctioned and received micro grants for countless ongoing, life-long explorations in the aformentioned (but by no means comprehensively listed or compulsory) lines of inquiry - by our unofficial membership and surrounding community - with a focus on accumulating inconclusive, morally grey conclusions, née avoidance thereof, tending towards confidence and hope for, from any point of departure or continuation, a path whose directions could possibly betray any stochastic interpretation of their route against the patterns of a given lifetime or historical context.
We recognize that this kind of confidence is shared by most Americans alive today.
The network does not receive outside patronage, though all channels of communication remain open. Whatever remnants of our practice-and-research-based explorations remain individually managed and variously self-published, though occaissionally collaborative distribution via sympathetic cultural institutions occurs.
For information regarding available literature and documentation, feel free to reach out.